Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible for income tax purposes.

To qualify, donations mist be lodged with the Foundation’s Australian Environment Fund, which is a Designated Gift Recipient (DGR) fund for income tax purposes.  This includes donations to the Bob Carter Memorial Fund, which is managed as part of the Australian Environment Fund.

Donations of any size can be made by cheque, Direct Deposit at any branch of the ANZ Bank, or electronic funds transfer (EFT) .

Cheques should be made out to the Australian Environment Fund — NB not to the AEF or the Australian Environment Foundation — and sent to:

Australian Environment Foundation
PO Box 185
Canterbury Vic 3126

Donations by Direct Deposit or by EFT should be sent to our DGR bank account at the ANZ Bank: 

Account Name:    Australian Environment Fund
BSB No:                013 308
Account No:         4978 00 846

Please include the donor's surname in the EFT reference — or as much of it as will fit in the space provided by your bank.  If there is any ambiguity, we ask you to send a confirmatory email with the full details to: <>.   

When donating to the Bob Carter Memorial Fund, please also include 'BCMF' in the EFT reference.