Climate News October 2016

International policy developments

The Obama machine is pressing nations to ratify the Paris Agreement of the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).  Under this, in December last year, developed countries are to cut their emissions by 25-28 per cent. Sixty countries have ratified.  These account for 48 per cent of global emissions, hence we are well on the way to the 55 per cent needed for the treaty to come into effect ..... READ MORE

Climate News September 2016


How is the science travelling?

According to a study published in the Journal of Geophysical Letters Greenland is poised to return to the temporate climate that was promoted by those canny real estate marketers, the 12th Century Vikings.  Global warming on stilts but wait! According to a paper published in Nature earlier this year the warming in Greenland is localised due to “anomalously high geothermal flux” underneath its ice sheet ... READ MORE

Climate News August 2016

Politics and economics

Donald Trump is unambiguous in his hostility to the “climate change hoax” and has promised to walk away from agreements that reduce US carbon dioxide emissions as well as getting rid of the economy-busting Environment Protection Agency. The EPA is undeterred by the prospect of a Trump presidency and is moving into a new carbon regulatory theatre, aviation. READ MORE

Climate News July 2016


Political dimensions

The Paris Agreement in December is to establish an agreed international path to decarbonising economies.  Two of the four biggest emitters of carbon dioxide, China and India, have been given leave to simply pay lip-service to the policy but the EU and the US have been the major proponents.  Donald Trump has placed himself squarely in the skeptic camp on climate change, calling it a hoax and even joking that the whole issue is a Chinese plot but the Obama administration is trying to“Trump-proof” the Paris Agreement (and bi-pass Congress by not calling it a “treaty”) and to lock in emission reductions.    READ MORE


Climate News | November 30

UK government is suddenly beginning to realise that wind is costly and unreliable and is now focussing on gas, which by replacing coal says Minister Amber Rudd is "One of the greatest and most cost-effective contributions we can make to emission reductions in electricity”.  But the government is also reviewing its coal plants’ reliability and will doubtless see a role for them once the Parisian carbon maelstrom passes.  In any event carbon capture and storage plans in the UK have been abandoned in recognition that this is a very expensive way to sacrifice carbon to the greenhouse gods.

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